People protection face to climate change
Flood and mudflows protection in Switzerland
In 2005, the canton of Glarus as well as the whole of Switzerland experienced severe flooding. Its direct cause was the heavy precipitation over large areas of the northern slopes of the Alps. Such extensive flood and landslide damage as occurred in August 2005 has not been observed since 1972. [1]
In the future, intense and prolonged periods of precipitation may append even more frequently than in the past due to climate change. During the present century, an increase in winter precipitation can be expected throughout Switzerland, while summer precipitation is expected to decrease. The need to improve and adapt flood protection structures is therefore high.
Many civil protection organizations have not yet thoroughly examined the impact of climate change on their activities. As a result, they often do not know how to deal with the challenges that may arise.
The initiative
The project aims to show Swiss civil protection organizations how to prepare for the challenges they will face in the relatively near future due to rapid climate change.
In order to prepare the civil protection system for the challenges of tomorrow, the participatory project initiative encourages the analysis of risk evolution by civil protection actors.
As a first step, a concrete presentation of climate change challenges to the civil protection partner organizations is necessary. The initiative plans to analyze the basics and identify the impacts in the domain of civil protection. Then, an estimate of the evolution of risks will be made using current climate projections. Afterwards, the interest will be to analyze the actions of the organizations in the areas of higher risk and to evaluate their effectiveness. In the Canton of Glarus, the initiative will focus on flood and mudflows risks.
Results, limits and enable factors
A final report summarizing the most important results is expected shortly.
Publications in professional journals and presentations of the content, process and results of the project at professional conferences will follow.

6 case studies, including one in the canton of Glarus


Key words
Civil Protection / Nature´s Contributions to People / Climate change adaptation


Current status
Work in progress

Type of ecosystems
Low-lands and mountain areas

More info
Updated on 29 May 2021