New publication from PORTAL project: Article in Regional Environmental Change journal

Last December, the article “Nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation are not located where they are most needed across the Alps” was published online in Regional Environmental Change journal:

Dubo, T., Palomo, I., Laorden Camacho, L., Locatelli, B., Cugniet, A., Racinais, N., Lavorel, S., 2022. Nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation are not located where they are most needed across the Alps. Reg Environ Change 23, 12. []

As part of the thesis of the PhD student Titouan Dubo, this article assesses the relevance of the location of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to current and future climate hazards as well as the local Nature’s Contribution to People (NCP) they explicitly target. The authors identified that in general NbS are not located where they are the most needed. They claimed for integrating future climate conditions and NCP into NbS implementation planning, and highlighted the potential of a macro-regional strategy at the alpine scale to address this challenge.

The different versions of the article are available here.

Systematic map of the climatic hazards addressed by Nature-based Solutions (NbS) – on the left – and the Nature’s Contributions to People (NCP) targeted by NbS – on the right. The links involving only one NbS are not represented. The number in each row indicates the number of NbS in each category (from Dubo et al. 2022).

Updated on 20 January 2023