PORTAL members at the MOPGA conference in Berlin in 2022

Last December, two members of the PORTAL project went to Berlin to attend to the Make Our Planet Great Again (MOPGA) conference that gathered all the laureates of the initiatives led from the Franco-German partnership. Sandra Lavorel was invited as a guest speaker and highlighted the potential of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for transformative adaptation to climate change, through the assessment framework developed in the PORTAL project (and published in One Earth here). She presented the (…)

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New publication from PORTAL project: Article in Regional Environmental Change journal

Last December, the article “Nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation are not located where they are most needed across the Alps” was published online in Regional Environmental Change journal: Dubo, T., Palomo, I., Laorden Camacho, L., Locatelli, B., Cugniet, A., Racinais, N., Lavorel, S., 2022. Nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation are not located where they are most needed across the Alps. Reg Environ Change 23, 12. [] (…)

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PORTAL presented at the International Mountain Conference of Innsbruck (IMC2022)

Last September, seven members of the PORTAL project attended the [IMC-> in Innsbruck and four took this opportunity to present the latest research in three sessions related to adaptation in mountain areas. Titouan Dubo highlighted the need for interactions between values, rules and knowledge in shaping decision-making context to implement transformative Nature-based Solutions (NbS). The research (publication in prep) identified a typology of decision-making contexts (…)

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Workshop in Freydières

September 28-29 2021

The team of the PORTAL project gathered in Freydières (Isère) during a two-day workshop, from the 28th to the 29th of September 2021, to review the progress of the project, to refine its objectives as well as the approaches and methodologies to achieve them. Project members started with presenting previous work on: (1) the NbS (Nature-based Solutions) potential for transformative adaptation; (2) the location of NbS in the Alps across climatic hazard gradients; and (3) the trade-offs and (…)

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April 30 2020

The “Transformative change as a response to climate change in mountain social-ecological systems” (TRANSMOUNT) project was a synthesis workshop organized with support from the Open Thematic Call of the Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) to understand nature-based adaptation to climate change and its potential towards transformative adaptation.
A total of 14 researchers from eight different countries with broad experience in the study of mountain socio-ecosystems and global change (…)

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